Let’s Get Set Up!

Leave this field blank
In case we need some more information
Tell us a bit about your club. Things like the what the club is all about, the location and what you hope to use the money for, are all good.
Where can we find a good image and logo for your page?
The picture should be as big as possible. We use 1800px x 1200px on your page. Upload more than one file and we'll use the best one.
Choose file
Uploading… (0%)

A file with this name has already been uploaded.

Oops. This file type isn’t allowed.

This file size is too big.

0/4 Files uploaded

Your logo should be at least 400px by 400px.
Choose file
Uploading… (0%)

A file with this name has already been uploaded.

Oops. This file type isn’t allowed.

This file size is too big.

0/4 Files uploaded

Put the link to the social media account here
Put the link to the social media account here
Put the link to the social media account here
Put the link to your club's website here